Swimming Pool Inspections

North Carolina & South Carolina Home Inspection Services

Pool InspectionsWhy have your new home’s pool inspected?” Well, first and foremost, having a new home’s pool inspected prior to moving in helps safeguard you and your family. There have been several incidents and accidents which occurred because of homeowners being unaware of a pool’s faults. Secondly, having your pool inspected can help you get credit for your new home. Usually, the seller is presented with a detailed report from a pool inspector. You can use the contents of the report to bargain for a price reduction of the home. This factors in the cost of repairs, damages, and so on.

What Do Pool Inspectors Look For: Inspectors look for specific details whenever they are assessing a pool. Though the scale and scope of inspection may vary from one situation to another, there are certain common factors that all pool inspectors consider while inspecting a pool. Here is a list of five things which pool inspectors look for in a pool:

Safety and Security Features: Safety and security features are of utmost importance when it comes to the pool or spa inspection. A pool inspector will look at the pool’s fencing and securing. An ideal pool should have a fence that is at least 4 feet high. This helps prevent children and other persons concerning from climbing it and finding their way into the pool. The accessible perimeter of the pool should ideally be securely fenced and have gates which open away from the pool. These gates should also be self-locking. Additionally, some homes may also have safety alarms on passageways leading to the pool. This helps notify adults whenever a child or any unauthorized person tries to make their way into the pool. The issue of safety alarms, however, depends on your location, there are states which mandate pool alarms and others like in NC & SC in which they are not a requirement.

The Pool’s Interior Condition: Another important consideration of pool inspections is the inner condition of the pool. The right pool should have the best interior conditions possible. To start with, the liner or finished surfaces should be intact. There should be no visible cracks / tears. Presence of cracks or tears is an indication of a potential fault beneath the pool. Also, the plastering should be free of stains or any suspicious marks. Secondly, the tiles lining the pool’s walls should also be intact. They should not have any cracks or chipping. Aside from performing decorative roles, tiles help waterproof the pool structure. Should they have cracks, water will seep into the surrounding soil from the pool. Regarding chipped tiles, there is the danger of one sustaining cuts while inside the pool. Still, on a pool’s tiles, the grout between tiles should extend into each tile and must not show signs of deterioration. This ensures that the tiles are firmly held in place. Falling tiles are a potential source of harm for pool users.

The Pool Equipment: Pool equipment is also a key concern for pool inspectors. While conducting an inspection, they usually look for three main equipment. These are the pool filter, the pump, and the pool heater. The importance of any of these three cannot be downplayed. The pump, for instance, controls the flow and circulation of water inside the pool. It also further operates other pool components such as waterfalls and cleaners. Inspectors check to ensure that a pump has (Ground fault interrupter) and proper grounding / bonding. They also check the pump wiring and other details. Regarding filters, inspectors ascertain the filter material to ensure it is right for the pool. Cartridge filters are more recommendable for large pools in comparison to sand filters. On the part of heaters, they should also be firmly grounded and properly function. The heater should be running on readily available energy such as electricity, natural gas, and solar.

The Pool’s Decking: Pool inspectors also check the pool’s surrounding. Here, they look at aspects such as coping and decking. The decking should be done using appropriate materials and should be topographically correct. It should for example not prevent water that overflows from the pool from flowing and drying away. The decking should ideally also be uniform and level.

Plumbing and Electric Fittings: Alongside everything, pool inspectors also look at the pool’s plumbing and electricity connection. They, for example, check to ensure that all inlet and outlet pipes are working correctly. Likewise, they also ensure that all the electricity and lighting connections are effectively working. You now know what pool inspectors look for.

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